The Syntax of Relativization
The complexity of the relative construction is highly interesting from a
syntactic, typological and semantic point of view. This study mainly addresses
the syntax of relative clauses, but considerable attention is paid to the
typology of relativization, and its consequences for grammatical theory.
In the first part of this book a variety of (generative) analyses is systematically
evaluated on the basis of well-known and less well-known properties of the
relative construction. The author argues in favour of the so-called promotion
theory of relativization, and provides a detailed account of the syntax of the
major relative clause types around the world. Moreover, the various types of
relative elements are discussed. The second part of this book examines three
phenomena of a more general kind from the perspective of relativization.
These are apposition, extraposition and possession.
This study is of interest to anyone concerned with the relative construction, as
well as a general syntactic readership.