- A computational approach to the syntax of displacement and the semantics of scope
- A Descriptive Analysis of Adamorobe Sign Language (Ghana)
- A descriptive grammar of Sign Language of the Netherlands
- A foot-based typology of tonal reassociation: Perspectives from synchrony and learnability
- A functional approach to differential indexing
- A grammar of Abui: A Papuan language of Alor
- A grammar of Ashéninka (Ucayali-Pajonal)
- A Grammar of Bantawa: Grammar, paradigm tables, glossary and texts of a Rai language of Eastern Nepal
- A Grammar of Cheke Holo
- A grammar of Darfur Arabic
- A Grammar of Dhao - An Endangered Austronesian Language in Eastern Indonesia
- A Grammar of Dime
- A Grammar of Gaahmg: a Nilo-Saharan Language of Sudan
- A grammar of Ik (Icé-tód) Northeast Uganda’s last thriving Kuliak language
- A Grammar of Kakua
- A grammar of Khwarshi
- A Grammar of Konso
- A Grammar of Logba (Ikpana)
- A grammar of Lumun
- A grammar of Makalero: A Papuan language of East Timor
- A grammar of Mankanya - An Atlantic language of Guinea-Bissau, Senegal and the Gambia
- A Grammar of Mualang: An Ibanic Language of Western Kalimantan, Indonesia
- A grammar of Mundabli, a Southern Bantoid (Yemne-Kimbi) language of Cameroon
- A grammar of Nchane - A Bantoid (Beboid) language of Cameroon
- A grammar of Papuan Malay
- A Grammar of Sabanê : a Nambikwaran Language
- A grammar of Sandawe: A Khoisan language of Tanzania
- A grammar of Sheko
- A Grammar of Space in Baure
- A grammar of Tafi
- A Grammar of Tagdal: a Northern Songhay language
- A Grammar of the Bakairi Language
- A Grammar of Ughele: An Oceanic language of Solomon Islands
- A grammar of Upcountry Sri Lanka Malay
- A Grammatical Description of Shiwiar
- A history of Alorese (Austronesian): Combining linguistic and oral history
- A Hybrid Modular Machine Translation System
- A matter of time: tense, mood and aspect in Spontaneous Spoken Israeli Hebrew
- A phase-based approach to Russian free word order
- A Sociophonetic Study on Tonal Variation of the Wúxi and Shànghai Dialects
- A Typology of Code-switching in the Commentary to the Félire Óengusso
- A Typology of Verbal Derivation in Ethiopian Afro-Asiatic Languages
- A Unified Account of Binary and Ternary Stress. Considerations from Sentani and Finnish
- A Usage-Based Account to Language Transfer
- Academic Success of Students who are Deaf or Hard of Hearing in Mainstream Higher Education
- Accents in Context: Non-native and native listeners’ perceptions and understanding of Dutch-accented English
- Accessing word meaning: Semantic word knowledge and reading comprehension in Dutch monolingual and bilingual fifth-graders
- Acquiring Dutch quantitative ER
- Acquiring Negative Polarity Items
- Acquisition at the Interfaces: A Case Study on Object Clitics in Early Italian
- Acquisition of Jamaican Phonology
- Acquisition of Morpho-Phonology: The Dutch voicing alternation
- Affective L2 learning experiences and ideal L2 selves in spoken CALL practice
- Agrammatic Grammar.Functional Categories in Agrammatic Speech
- Agreement and Verb Movement
- Agreement, Dominance and Doubling: The morphosyntax of DP
- All structures great and small
- An Entropy and Noisy-Channel Model for Rule Induction
- An evidence-based new analysis of Persian word prosody
- An Experimental View of the Dutch Syllable
- Analyse conceptuelle et traductibilité des termes de maladie dioula.
- Anaphora and Distributivity: A study of same, different, reciprocals and others
- Anaphoric dependencies in Japanese
- Anaphoric Dependencies in Vietnamese
- Antisymmetry and Sign Languages: A Comparison between NGT and LIS
- Appositional constructions
- Argument marking patterns in South American languages
- Argument structure, alignment and auxiliaries between Latin and Romance
- Argumentative resistance to violence metaphors for cancer
- Article Omission in Headlines and Child Language: A Processing Approach
- As sound as ultrasound
- Aspect and Reference time
- Aspect and subjectivity in modal constructions
- Aspect and Temporal Ordering. A Contrastive Analysis of Dutch and English
- Aspect, tense and modality: Theory, typology, acquisition
- Aspects of Pharyngeal Coarticulation
- Aspects on aspect
- Aspectual Pairing in Polish
- Authorial or Scribal? Spelling Variation in the Hengwrt and Ellesmere Manuscripts of the Canterbury Tales
- Awareness and instruction when kindergarteners acquire grammar
- Besluitvorming in vergaderingen
- Biak, description of an Austronesian language of Papua
- Binding and quantification in monolingual and bilingual language acquisition
- Binding Theory and Pronominal Anaphora in Brazilian Portuguese
- Bòsò Walikan Malangan: Structure and development of a Javanese reversed language
- Boys buying two sausages each: on the syntax and semantics of distance-distributivity
- Bridging Linguistic Gaps: Effects of linguistic Differences on the Adult Learnability of Dutch as an Additional Language
- Bringing Stories to Life
- Building a Phonological Inventory: Feature Co-occurrence Constraints in Acquisition
- Can the late bird catch the worm?
- Caregiver-infant interactions and child vocabulary
- Case and agreement in Panará
- Caught between norms - The English Pronunciation of Dutch Learners
- Causal connectives and perspective markers in Chinese
- Causal Connectives have Presuppositions.Effects on Coherence and Discourse structure
- Causality marking across levels of language structure: A cognitive semantic analysis of causal verbs and causal connectives in Dutch
- Caused Motion Events in Turkish: Verbal and Gestural Representation in Adults and Children
- Changes in Modern Frisian verbal inflection
- Child L2, Adult L2, Child L1: Differences and Similarities: A study on the acquisition of direct object scrambling in Dutch
- Children's Response to Humor in Translated Poetry
- Chinese Final Particles and the Syntax of the Periphery
- Chinese hands of time: The effects of language and culture on temporal gestures and spatio-temporal reasoning
- Cipient Predication: Unifying Double Object, Dative Experiencer and Existential/ Presentational Constructions
- Classifying hand configurations in Nederlandse Gebarentaal
- Clause Linkage In Ket
- Clause-typing and evidentiality in Ecuadorian Siona
- Clozing in on readability
- Codeswitching in the Irish-Latin Leabhar Breac
- Cognitive reference points: Semantics beyond the prototypes in adjectives of space and colour
- Coherence Marking, Comprehension and Persuasion on the processing and representations of discourse
- Communicative Language Teaching in Georgia: From Theory to Practice
- Complement Raising and Cluster Formation in Dutch
- Complex Lexical Items
- Complex Predicates in Dutch: Synchrony and Diachrony
- Computerised Speaking Practice: The Role of Automatic Corrective Feedback in Learning L2 Grammar
- Concepts and Plural Predication
- Conceptual restrictions on weakly referential constructions
- Connected Languages: Effects of intensifying contact between Turkish and Dutch
- Connecting Conditionals
- Consonant and lexical tone interaction - Evidence from two Chinese dialects
- Constructions Emerging
- Constructions, constraints, and construal: Adpositions in Dutch
- Contact in the prehistory of the Sakha (Yakuts): Linguistic and genetic perspectives
- Contact-induced change in Dolgan: an investigation into the role of linguistic data for the reconstruction of a people’s (pre)history
- Context Use and Learning to Read in a Foreign Language
- Contributions to the Computational Processing of Diachronic Linguistic Corpora
- Correlative constructions in earlier English: Clause structure and discourse organisation
- Cortical contributions to cognitive control of language and beyond
- Cross-linguistic influence during real-time sentence processing in bilingual children and adults
- Cross-linguistic influences: Dutch in contact with Papiamento & Turkish
- Cross-linguistic Variation in Object Marking
- Cultural evolutionary modeling of patterns in language change : Exercises in evolutionary linguistics
- Culture and conventions: writing and reading Dutch scientific English
- Data-driven Machine Translation using Semantic Tree Alignment
- Dative experiencer predicates in Hungarian
- Definite objects in the wild: A converging evidence approach to scrambling in the Dutch middle-field
- Definition extraction for glossary creation: A study on extracting definitions for semi-automatic glossary creation in Dutch
- Dependencies across phases: From sequence of tense to restrictions on movement
- Dependency as Modality, Parsing as Permutation
- Derivations & Evaluations. On the Syntax of Subjects and Complementizers
- Deriving Prosodic Structures
- Detecting patterns - Relating statistical learning to language proficiency in children with and without developmental language disorder
- Developing second-language listening comprehension
- Developing semantic networks
- Development of Surinamese Javanese
- Development of vocalizations in deaf and normally hearing infants
- Développement phonético-phonologique en fulfulde et bambara d’enfants monolingues et bilingues: étude du babillage et des premiers mots
- Diasystème, Diachronie : Études comparées dans les langues cholanes
- Digital Tools for Sign Language Research: Towards Recognition and Comparison of Lexical Signs
- Dimensions of convergence in bilingual speech and gesture
- Directionality and locality in vowel harmony: With special reference to vowel harmony in Assamese
- Doctor-Patient Communication in Head-and-Neck Cancer Follow-up Consultations
- Doubling in relative clauses: Aspects of morphosyntactic microvariation in Dutch
- DP Acquisition as Structure Unravelling
- Dunque l'Italia ha perso il suo fascino? Io penso di no
- Dutch Children's Acquisition of Verbal and Adjectival Inflection
- Dutch Grammar in Japanese Words
- Dutch Orthography
- Dutch sonorants
- Dynamic Excursions on Weak Islands
- Dynamics of Ambon Malay: Comparing Ambon and the Netherlands
- Dyslexia and phonology: A study of the phonological abilities of Dutch children at-risk of dyslexia
- Early Context Effects in Spoken-word Perception
- Early English modals - Form, function, and analogy
- Early-English education works no miracles
- Effectieve leeractiviteiten voor het schrijfonderwijs in havo 4
- Effects of instruction in writing-to-learn in different disciplines and types of education
- Effects of literacy, typology and frequency on children's language
- Egyptian Arabic in the seventeenth century: a study and edition of Yûsuf al-Maghribî's Daf` al-isr `an kalâm ahl Misr
- Eighteenth-Century Cholón
- Eliminating positions
- Ellipsis in Dutch dialects
- Empty nuclei in Korean
- English annual reports in Europe: a study on the identification and reception of genre characteristics in multimodal annual reports originating in the Netherlands and in the United Kingdom
- English as a lingua franca: Mutual intelligibility of Chinese, Dutch and American speakers of English
- English in job advertisements in the Netherlands: Reasons, use and effects
- Etude d'une langue des signes émergente de Côte d'Ivoire
- Evaluating website quality: Five studies on user-focused evaluation methods
- Event conceptualization in language production of early bilinguals
- Examining the contribution of statistical learning to grammar and literacy acquisition - A study of Dutch children with and without dyslexia
- Exclamativity in discourse: Exploring the exclamative speech act from a discourse perspective
- Experiments on the modular nature of word and sentence phonology in Chinese Broca's patients
- Explaining differences in adult second language learning: The role of language input characteristics and learners' cognitive aptitudes
- Explaining register and sociolinguistic variation in the lexicon: Corpus studies on Dutch
- Expletives in Existentials
- Expression and Recognition of Emotion in Native and Foreign Speech: The Case of Mandarin and Dutch
- Extra Ordinary letters: A view from below on seventeenth-century Dutch
- Eye-catching Anaphora
- Finding Focus: a study of the historical development of focus in English
- Finiteness in Dutch as a second language
- First Meaning Then Form
- Flat but not shallow: Towards flatter representations in deep semantic parsing for precise and feasible inferencing
- Focus on Anaphora: Accent placement and the semantics of anaphors
- Fonologia e Gramática Dâw
- Fonologia e Gramática do Nheengatú: A língua geral falada pelos povos Baré, Warekena e Baniwa
- Fonologia e Gramática Katukina-Kanamari
- Fonologia segmental e suprassegmental do Nambikwara do Campo (Nambikwara do Sul)
- Foreign language learning in study-abroad and at-home contexts