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Voice Assimilation and Segment Reduction in Casual Dutch. A Corpus-based Study of the Phonology-phonetics Interface
Author: Miriam Ernestus
LOT Number: 036
ISBN: 90-76864-02-0
Pages: 368
Year: 2000
1st promotor: G. Booij
2nd promotor: A.C.M. Rietveld
Input and interaction in deaf families
Author: Beppie van den Bogaerde
LOT Number: 35
ISBN: 90-76864-01-2
Pages: 345
Year: 2000
1st promotor: prof. dr. A. E. Baker
Tonal and Phrasal Structures in French Intonation
Author: Brechtje Post
LOT Number: 34
ISBN: 90-5569-1178
Pages: 304
Year: 2000
The role of the Native Language in the Non-native Acquisition of Hypothetical Conditional Structures
Author: Edith Schouten
LOT Number: 033
ISBN: 90-5569-116-x
Pages: 216
Year: 2000
Temporal Marking of Accents and Boundaries
Author: Tina Cambier-Langeveld
LOT Number: 032
ISBN: 90-5569-115-4
Pages: 184
Year: 2000
1st promotor: prof. Dr. W. Klooster
2nd promotor: prof. Dr. M. Nespor
3rd promotor: dr. V.J. Van Heuven
Infinitival Complementation in Old and Middle English
Author: Bettelou Los
LOT Number: 031
ISBN: 90-5569-114-3
Pages: 382
Year: 1999
1st promotor: prof. Dr. G. Booij
Binding Theory and Pronominal Anaphora in Brazilian Portuguese
Author: Sergio Menuzzi
LOT Number: 030
ISBN: 90-5569-112-7
Pages: 410
Year: 1999
Early Context Effects in Spoken-word Perception
Author: Saskia te Riele
LOT Number: 029
ISBN: 90-5569-111-9
Pages: 154
Year: 1999
1st promotor: Prof. Dr. S.G. Nooteboom
2nd promotor: Dr. H. Quené
Context Use and Learning to Read in a Foreign Language
Author: Corine van den Brandt
LOT Number: 028
ISBN: 90-5569-110-0
Pages: 234
Year: 1999
1st promotor: Prof. Dr. TJ.M. van Els
2nd promotor: Dr. CJ.M. van Esch
Aspect and Temporal Ordering. A Contrastive Analysis of Dutch and English
Author: Ronnie Boogaart
LOT Number: 027
ISBN: 90-5569-109-7
Pages: 306
Year: 1999
1st promotor: prof.dr. Th.A.J.M. Janssen
2nd promotor: prof.dr. J.L. Mackenzie
T-deletie in Nederlandse dialecten. Kwantitatieve analyse van structurele, ruimtelijke en temporele variatie.
Author: Ton Goeman
LOT Number: 026
ISBN: 90-5569-107-0
Pages: 564
Year: 1999
1st promotor: prof.dr. P.Th. van Reenen
2nd promotor: dr. E. Wattel
Types and Sorts. Resource Logic for Feature Checking
Author: Dirk Heylen
LOT Number: 025
ISBN: 90-5569-105-4
Pages: 226
Year: 1999
1st promotor: Prof. Dr. MJ. Moortgat