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The Second Time: The Acquisition of Temporality in Dutch and French as a Second Language
Author: Marianne Starren
LOT Number: 50
ISBN: 90-76864-11-x
Pages: 280
Year: 2001
Word-prosodic systems of Raja Ampat languages
Author: Bert Remijsen
LOT Number: 049
ISBN: 90-76864-04-7
Pages: 208
Year: 2001
1st promotor: Prof. Dr. V.J.J.P. van Heuven
2nd promotor: Prof. Dr. W.A.L. Stokhof
Phonetic implementation of phonological categories in Sign Language of the Netherlands
Author: Onno Crasborn
LOT Number: 48
ISBN: 90-76864-10-1
Pages: 373
Year: 2001
1st promotor: Prof. dr. C.J. Ewen
2nd promotor: Prof. dr. V.J. van Heuven
3rd promotor: Prof. dr. H.G. van der Hulst
Verb Movement and Constituent Permutation in Basque
Author: Arantzazu Elordieta
LOT Number: 047
ISBN: 90-76864-08-x
Pages: 264
Year: 2001
1st promotor: Prof. Dr. L. L. Cheng
2nd promotor: prof. Dr. J.G. Kooij
3rd promotor: dr. S. Barbiers
Intonation in Spoken Language Generation
Author: Erwin Marsi
LOT Number: 046
ISBN: 90-76864-07-1
Pages: 364
Year: 2001
1st promotor: C. Gussenhoven
2nd promotor: P. Arno-Coppen
3rd promotor: A.C.M. Rietveld
On the Syntax of Wh-items in Hungarian
Author: Aniko Lipták
LOT Number: 045
ISBN: 90-76864-06-3
Pages: 220
Year: 2001
Aspects of Pharyngeal Coarticulation
Author: Ahmed Elgendy
LOT Number: 044
ISBN: 90-76912-10-6
Pages: 338
Year: 2001
Nauwelijks sprekend veel te zeggen. Een studie naar de effecten van het COCP Programma
Author: Margriet Heim
LOT Number: 043
ISBN: 90-76912-09-2
Pages: 212
Year: 2001
1st promotor: prof. Dr. A.E. Baker
2nd promotor: dr. R. Schoonen
The categorisation of speech sounds by adults and children
Author: Ellen Gerrits
LOT Number: 042
ISBN: 90-76912-08-4
Pages: 136
Year: 2001
1st promotor: prof. Dr. S. Nooteboom
2nd promotor: dr. B. Schouten
Acquisition of Jamaican Phonology
Author: Rocky R. Meade
LOT Number: 041
ISBN: 90-76912-06-8
Pages: 280
Year: 2001
1st promotor: prof. Dr. A.E. Baker
2nd promotor: Norval Smith
3rd promotor: Hubert Devonish
Besluitvorming in vergaderingen
Author: Marjan Huisman
LOT Number: 040
ISBN: 90-76912-04-1
Pages: 264
Year: 2000
1st promotor: prof. Dr. Th. Janssen
2nd promotor: dr. H. Mazeland
Grammatical Features and the Acquisition of Reference
Author: Sergio Baauw
LOT Number: 039
ISBN: 90-76864-05-5
Pages: 220
Year: 2000
1st promotor: Prof. Dr. P. Coopmans
2nd promotor: dr. D. Delfitto