Evaluating website quality: Five studies on user-focused evaluation methods

Author: Sanne Elling
LOT Number: 308
ISBN: 978-94-6093-092-8
Pages: 160
Year: 2012
1st promotor: prof. Dr. L.R. Lentz
2nd promotor: prof. Dr. M.D.T. De Jong
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Evaluating website quality : Five studies on user - focused evaluation methods The benefits of evaluating websites among potential users are widely acknowledged . There are several methods that can be used to evaluate the websites ’ quality from a users ’ perspective . In current practice , many evaluations are executed with inadequate methods that lack research - based validation . This thesis aims to gain more insight into evaluation methodology and to contribute to a higher standard of website evaluation in practice . The studies in this thesis consist of research on three user - focused evaluation methods , which were studied within the context of municipal websites . Two methods evaluate the websites ’ quality by measuring the users ’ opinions : the ‘ Website Evaluation Questionnaire ’ ( WEQ ) , and the ‘ user page review ’ method which invites participants to review website pages . The third method , the think - aloud method , measures website quality during participants ’ task performance . We studied two variants of this method combined with eye tracking : the concurrent think - aloud method ( CTA ) , which involves participants who verbalize their thoughts while performing tasks , and the retrospective think - aloud method ( RTA ) with participants who verbalize their thoughts afterwards while watching a recording of their performance .

Evaluating website quality : Five studies on user - focused evaluation methods The benefits of evaluating websites among potential users are widely acknowledged . There are several methods that can be used to evaluate the websites ’ quality from a users ’ perspective . In current practice , many evaluations are executed with inadequate methods that lack research - based validation . This thesis aims to gain more insight into evaluation methodology and to contribute to a higher standard of website evaluation in practice . The studies in this thesis consist of research on three user - focused evaluation methods , which were studied within the context of municipal websites . Two methods evaluate the websites ’ quality by measuring the users ’ opinions : the ‘ Website Evaluation Questionnaire ’ ( WEQ ) , and the ‘ user page review ’ method which invites participants to review website pages . The third method , the think - aloud method , measures website quality during participants ’ task performance . We studied two variants of this method combined with eye tracking : the concurrent think - aloud method ( CTA ) , which involves participants who verbalize their thoughts while performing tasks , and the retrospective think - aloud method ( RTA ) with participants who verbalize their thoughts afterwards while watching a recording of their performance .
